Category Archives: Information

Indonesia’s Independence Day: Celebration From Home

Indonesia’s Independence Day: Celebration From Home

On August 17th, Indonesian celebrate their Independence Day! Known as Tujuh Belas Agustus Hari Kemerdekaan 😀 A celebration for us that we are a free country, out of colonialist power. It’s a momentum moment for Indonesian. Celebrating independence day is a custom thing to do on August 17th. Sadly, we are in quarantine now and […]

Coffee: Who Doesn’t Know Them?

Coffee: Who Doesn’t Know Them?

Before Croffle fever, there is Coffee a long way ago even up until now! It’s become a popular drink for everyone, even it’s like a morning magic spell! While I’m writing this, I’m sipping my morning coffee to make it easier to write and focus 😂  I still remember how it changes my life. It’s […]

Reminder: Don’t Forget to Relax & Self-Care!

Don?t Forget to Relax & Self-Care

It’s the weekend and the perfect time to relax and recharge your energy. As you already work hard through the weeks, let’s take some time off, relax, and give yourself some reward by doing any self-care!  We know sometimes it’s hard to take a break and do self-care, especially if you are a perfectionist or […]

Honey Citroen Cake: A Perfect Summer Treats

Honey Citroen Birthday Cake

August is the peak of Indonesia’s summer! It can be really hot here, it’s perfect for ice cream season and eating cakes, especially cold one. DORÉ is really happy to help you to enjoy this summer better with our newest cake, Honey Citroen Cake! 💛 Beautiful Bright Color of Summer! Honey Citroen cake as you […]

Happy National Children’s Day!

Happy National Childrens Day!

On the 23rd of July is Indonesia’s Children’s Day. Children as our light of the future deserve to have their day to remind us! This is a day for Indonesians to remember the importance and indispensability of children for the country’s future and the future of the world. Furthermore, it is a good time to […]

Birthday Celebration Tradition: How it Started?

Birthday Celebration Tradition: How it Started?

Birthday is a special day for everyone in their life. Whether you celebrate it or not, it is always been a special day and you can’t help to feel happy about it! Birthday celebration surely a tradition to some people, have you ever wonder how did it start? Let’s find out together about it! First […]

How Well Do You Know Chocolate? Chocolate Facts Edition!

How Well Do You Know Chocolate? Chocolate Facts Edition!

It’s Chocolate Day! Celebration for chocolate around the world! But do you know some fun facts about chocolate? Let’s test your knowledge of chocolate! It used to be a currency for the Aztecs Not just for food, chocolate can be money too! Europeans account for almost half the world’s chocolate consumption Don’t you think it […]

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