Less sugar Assorted cake! With the newest Medley cake from our DORÉ Lite Series, we would love to be part of your Self-Love journey! Let’s hand-in-hand, discover our Sweetest Self-Love, by indulging in a Less Sugar Cake as your treat.
It consists of 4 different types of DORÉ Lite cake, which include Ichigo Rare Cheesecake, Matcha Chocolat, Peach Bloossom, and Honeydew Bliss.
Join us on this journey to embrace self-love while satisfying your sweet tooth!
DORÉ Lite Medley
Less sugar Assorted cake! With the newest Medley cake from our DORÉ Lite Series, we would love to be part of your Self-Love journey! Let’s hand-in-hand, discover our Sweetest Self-Love, by indulging in a Less Sugar Cake as your treat.
It consists of 4 different types of DORÉ Lite cake, which include Ichigo Rare Cheesecake, Matcha Chocolat, Peach Bloossom, and Honeydew Bliss.
Join us on this journey to embrace self-love while satisfying your sweet tooth!