3 Small Ways to be #TheLightOfEid This Season

This Eid, it’s the little things that can make the biggest difference. A simple act of kindness, a warm greeting, or lending a listening ear can brighten someone’s day more than you realize. To inspire you, we’ve gathered 3 Small Ways to be #TheLightOfEid This Season, because every little light we shine has the power to make the world a brighter, kinder place.

  1. Gift Your Time
    Time is the most precious thing that anyone could give. Visit your family members that you haven’t seen in a while or call a friend who might need someone to lean on. Sometimes, just being there can bring comfort and joy in ways words can’t express. Your presence can be the light that brightens someone’s day and reminds them that they are loved!
  2. Share Affirmations
    Kind words can heal everyone and light up hope. You can share your sincere compliments, express gratitude, or send a heartfelt prayer to someone who needs it the most. Through written letters or verbal spoken, a simple “I’m thinking of you” or “I appreciate you” can light up someone’s heart. Let’s be #TheLightOfEid through your words!
  3. Lend a Hand
    Offering help for those in need is also able to light their hopes. Help your mother carry groceries, assist an elderly crossing the road, or volunteer at your local organizations, lending a hand is a way to be the light this season. Keep in mind that even the smallest act of service can make someone’s day a little easier and brighter.

How do you light others, aDORÉbles? Share your thoughts down below!

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