For The Loved Ones


After you know us more from our history, now we will let you know more from our value and philosophy that we hold for this brand. We already know what’s our brand meaning and a glimpse of what we value the most, now we will take you deeper to know us more and more. In this part, you will know us more how we think about this brand and our work ethics toward our products.

For The Loved Ones, isn’t it romantic? You can imagine sets of harmonious color, warm feeling, delicate touch, those heart-warming smiles, important small details, and a sweet love. This statement really important for our brands and a reminder for us to always make the best For The Loved Ones. Our focus is to our customer’s loved ones, who will get our products as a gift or celebrations. But not just that, For The Loved Ones can have many interpretations of it. Yourself as our customer can be The Loved Ones too! (talking about self-love here) We want through our products can bring joy, happiness, and memorable memories for You and The Loved Ones.

We hold Kodawari (こだわり) principles as our philosophy. It’s a Japanese phrases which means commitment. Every commitment we have, we put a specific intention in every single action. This principles show you that we will always put a 100% to our quality of products and our customer’s satisfaction towards our services. Commitment is the most important for us to maintain our quality and customer’s trust to us.

Our focus of quality products not just on the desserts, our packaging is important for us too. We always put attention too to our packaging so our customer and The Loved Ones can experience the best from us not just from the delicious taste of our desserts. We believe a nice packaging can gives the maximum pleasure for you and loved ones.


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