Happy Women’s Equality Day!

Happy Women's Equality Day!

Do you know there is a special day to celebrate and remember the day of women finally being considered equal in public? It was first marked in 1972 in the USA on August 26 to commemorate American women getting the constitutional right to vote. As we know, back then women cannot vote, school, and even speak up. That’s why this date is really important for women, especially in the USA, to celebrate women’s voice and chances!

As Women’s Equality Day is tomorrow, we want to empower other women, wherever you are to not be afraid to share their thoughts and ideas for a better world! And to remember the importance of gender equality too. How we can celebrate this day? Let us give some ideas to celebrate this day!

Join a Mentoring Program

If you are a career woman, you can join a Mentoring Program to encourage females workers to strive for success. As we know, not many women held top-level positions. Joining mentoring programs, especially by women’s leaders will make women aware of their potentials and how to get there. 

All you need is a mentorship program where workers connect with their higher authorities and discuss career goals, networking, education, and other scopes to success. Women should see other women as being mentors. It will make them feel more empowered about their abilities. Representation matters a lot!

Wear Something Purple!

To show solidarity between women, you can wear something purple. It is symbolizing women’s equality internationally. It is originated from the Women’s Social and Political Union in the UK in 1908. Purple signifies justice and dignity.

You can wear a purple wristband, purple top, purple ribbon, or purple scarf! Having a women’s day with your friends and talk about what’s the challenges as a woman and encourage each other or simply having a fun day!

Listen to Women

No matter who you are men, women, or gender-neutral tries to listen more to what women want to say. As we know recently about salary gap between men worker and women worker. In Indonesia, we know these things are real and really tough to get into equality. Not every company will treat their employe this way, there are some companies treat it equally, and we need that more.

Listen to women, their struggles, there being as human, their basic needs. Once you really listen to them, you are starting to get how to make a better place, system, and even world! Because it’s not just about women, it is about equality after all.

Try to Understand Through Caring

Caring and Understanding will be a helpful tools for everyone. Not just to women, but everyone either human or animals too. I think it is a beautiful day to celebrate, not about women but to caring more about each other. Understand somebody else in their shoes will definitely make the world a better place to be.

Caring, Understanding, and Love. It is a good day to start doing it 💜

Happy Women’s Equality Day once again! 💜

One thought on “Happy Women’s Equality Day!

  1. The brooks brothers trailers says:

    Listen to women, their struggles, there being as human, their basic needs. Once you really listen to them, you are starting to get how to make a better place, system, and even world! Because it’s not just about women, it is about equality after all.

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