3 Tips on Hosting a New Year Party

Happy New Year with DORE by LeTAO

As the month of December is ending, a New Year would begin. Often time, a New Year is ought to be celebrated, as it is a representative of a new beginning. And if you are hosting a party for the upcoming New Year, it might take a lot of your time and energy. To avoid the jumble, here we present to you several tips on hosting a New Year party.

  1. Make an Inclusive List of Foods and Beverages

It is important to have enough food and beverages for everyone, hence having an inclusive menu is a priority. Fruits and desserts have limitless options that provide inclusivity and are perfect if you do not wish to serve a full-on meal. Water, juice, and soda are the basic and safe options for the beverages unless you plan a specific party for adults where you can provide an alcoholic option.

  1. Provide Light and Fun Entertainment

Spending time with your loved ones would be more exciting with some games. Simple games such as board games or card games are fun and easy to play with a lot of people. A fun karaoke would be great to bring everyone together too. As for the midnight celebration, having fireworks is a good choice. But you have to make sure the environment is safe for the event and your guests agree to do so.

  1. Personalize

Personalize your party so that the guests will make a more memorable memory. It also would make your guests easier to remember your party if you put more personalized events or activities there. Try to have an unusual dress code or color code, make your specialty home-cooked menu, do something unique for the New Year celebration, or take Polaroid pictures to gift your guests.

Have you planned your own New Year party yet? Share your thoughts!

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