Dessert is a perfect and simple way to make your mood become better. But what if you can’t eat sweet things too much? I had this problem for a long time but dessert still makes me feel better not just through eating it. Looking at how it was made, the process, or even making it […]
Category Archives: Dessert
Indonesia has many kinds of cakes. But, do you really know all the types of cake there is? Butter Cake You might be most familiar with this type of cake. Anything includes cream butter and sugar is basically butter cake! You may mostly see this at a birthday party (usually kids’), usually the sheet-cake […]
Interesting fact: My dog loves cakes and desserts more than me. My dog’s magic word is ‘kue pie’ (egg tart) to get his attention. He likes it so much! Besides that, he loves cheese and cakes too. Always giving us his best puppy eyes to give him some. At first, I’m confused and worried if […]
At this time when your kids are at home for many hours, sometimes it can be boring and makes them crazy! Especially with a holiday that means no school. As parents, you want to engage them in a fun and educated activity that can do together. Baking is one of the best activities that you […]
Have you ever wondered what’s the meaning behind DORÉ by LeTAO? Or what’s the story behind it all? I still remember once my lecturer told me that to know someone better, get to know their stories from the start. That way you will know how they think, their goals, and of course, you will know […]
Kecil menggemaskan dan manis, kue cucur sudah menjadi salah satu jajanan yang wajib buat kita semua coba! Warna khas kecokelatannya dengan tekstur yang lembut di tengah namun renyah dipinggirannya menjadi salah satu kue jajanan yang sampai sekarang saya suka. Rasanya juga tidak terlalu manis dan teksturnya sangat pas antara renyah dan lembutnya menjadi salah satu […]
Makanan penutup khas Indonesia ini pastinya sudah banyak yang tahu, Martabak Manis! Si manis yang bervariatif ini sangat dikenal bahkan sempat ada terjadi perebutan “hak milik” antara Malaysia dan Indonesia. Martabak manis memiliki nama asli yaitu Hok Lo Pan yang berasal dari Bangka Belitung. Martabak ini diciptakan oleh orang Hakka (Khek) dengan sebutan suku Hoklo. […]
Si kue bulat kecil nan manis ini menyenangkan sekali untuk dimakan dan dilihat! Melihat dan memakan klepon selalu sukses membuat saya bahagia, baik dari rasanya atau teksturnya. Ia sudah menjadi salah satu jajanan tradisional Indonesia yang sampai saat ini masih dapat ditemui dimana-mana. Klepon yang bentuknya bulat, kecil, berwarna hijau, dengan taburan kelapa sangat menarik. […]
You know that jiggly pudding-shaped dessert, usually served on a plate or in a jar? The texture does not really make it a pudding nor a custard. This creates a big confusion between pudding, custard, panna cotta, and sometimes mousse. Let’s find out! Pudding is quite the complicated dessert. According to the british definition, a […]