Category Archives: Information

Goodbye Summer-Hello September!


Summer officially finished and say hello to September! Many things are not what we expect this summer but it’s over now. Don’t be sad! It may be not what we expected but you got a different type of summer experience. Your expectations usually hang out together with your friends on the beach, carnival, festivals, or […]

Why Do We Seem to Always Have Room For Dessert

Mango Bliss

You all know the drill. You eat until you’re full, and you won’t take another bite of that main course. But then, a beautiful cheese cake (or any dessert, really) comes out, and you can finish it.  Every time!    Well guess what? It’s not because we’re greedy! It’s because there is a scientific reason […]

The Most Unique and Weirdest Dessert Ever!

DORE by LeTAO Dessert

Channel your adventurous self in the most unique and weirdest dessert! Disclaimer: I’m Chinese Indonesian, so stuff like Cendol and Red Bean Desserts is normal for me. Here’s my list of The Most Unique and Weirdest Dessert Ever! Tavuk Göğsü Tavuk Göğsü is Turkey’s dessert that is really unique. Guess what’s the ingredient? It’s chicken, […]

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