DORÉ by LeTAO, Tak Kenal Maka Tak Sayang

Dore By Letao

Have you ever wondered what’s the meaning behind DORÉ by LeTAO? Or what’s the story behind it all?

I still remember once my lecturer told me that to know someone better, get to know their stories from the start. That way you will know how they think, their goals, and of course, you will know them more than before. In DORÉ by LeTAO, our story will make you know us better than before. As Indonesian wisdom quotes said “Tak Kenal Maka Tak Sayang”, so here’s our story.

Starting Point..

DORÉ is a subsidiary brand of LeTAO Hokkaido. LeTAO is one of the best cheesecake brands in the world. LeTAO’s name is from a French phrase that stands for “La Tour Amitie Otaru” meaning “The Amiable Tower of Otaru”. LeTAO combines nostalgic feelings with the modern image of the brand. LeTAO has a beautiful poem that they hold dearly about life “A Journey Called Life” by Takahiro Tajima.

“..No one can live by themselves.

We need to help of others to live.

This is perhaps, the journey called life.”

DORÉ by LeTAO is under the Omiyage company.

Omiyage means souvenirs in Japanese, and the company was founded in 2015 by a group of individuals who have a strong Indonesian and Japanese network. DORÉ as the Indonesian brand of LeTAO holds the same principle but with an addition. It’s been five years of DORÉ ‘s journey in Indonesia. DORÉ means “golden” in French, which we hope like our cheesecake specialty can give you memorable and treasured moments. Our goals and hope are to make golden memories with your loved ones through our sweets delicacy. DORÉ by LeTAO always has seasonal flavors and Indonesian desserts fusion into our cheesecake in the best packaging. We always want to make the best for our customers and the customer’s loved ones. Our products are freshly made and always packed with love and care.

This is our brief story about ourselves.

Through sweets delicacy, we want to make your time with your loved ones feel more precious. We will help you as much as we can to deliver the best for your time with your loved ones. We hope this brief story of us will make you know and love us more than before and of course who doesn’t know us yet, we hope you can start to know and love us 🙂

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