Festivities in December

A Christmas tree provided by DORE by LeTAO

The celebration of Christmas brings festivities in the month of December. Enjoying the holiday and the warm feeling of spending time with your loved ones would be the perfect way to end the year. To celebrate the holiday, we are delighted to share the stories behind the customs that surround Christmas.

  1. Christmas Tree

Around the world, the Christmas tree has been a sign of the beginning of the Christmas celebration. This custom started with fir trees being decorated with apples in 1605. And then in 1611, the decoration changed into candles. Christmas tree has a long history and each of the decorations have its meaning. For example, candles, candy cane, and the colors red and white. Candles symbolize Christ being the light of the world, candy cane symbolizes the good shepherd’s crook, and the color red represents Christ’s blood meanwhile white is representing snow.

  1. Advent Calendar

Another custom around Christmas is an advent calendar. This calendar counts the days leading to Christmas and it is unlike the regular calendars. The advent calendar has holes that shall be opened one per day until Christmas. Candies, toys, and small pieces of jewelry can fill the holes. The advent calendar originated in Germany, found around the 19th century. The tale is that a Munich housewife was exhausted of answering questions regarding when Christmas would be hence the advent calendar was made.

  1. Exchanging Gifts

Along with Santa Claus, gifts are also common around Christmas. As Christmas is about celebration, it would not be complete without exchanging gifts with the people you love. Not only to show affection but gift giving is also a way to share your happiness. Candles, blankets, a teacup set, or bringing food and cake to share with your loved ones would be great as gifts.

Do you have any special way to celebrate Christmas?

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