Stay Productive in The New Era

Stay Productive in The New Era

It’s been almost a year we’ve been in a struggle situation. Usually, we can freely go outside, but now we can only stay at home. There are some of us who can do work from home, but there are some people who have to carry out their responsibility to work in an office with every consequences. How do you stay productive?

Create a work schedule

If you work remotely or part-time, we will definitely struggle to keep work done on time while doing our daily chores at home. It can also have an effect when working at the office. We get a lot of pressure and deadlines to be done on time. That’s why it’s more important to set a schedule. Creating a schedule for work can help remind us of the daily agenda that we have to carry out. This simple thing will make our agenda easier.

Get enough sleep

The amount of pressure and the tasks that we do every day will take a lot of time. Don’t forget to get enough rest. A healthy and fit body condition will make us more productive and optimal in carrying out the work we are going through.

Eat regularly and try to meditate

Don’t forget to pay attention to our lifestyle. Balance is the key. Mental health is very influential. Make sure we get enough nutrition for our daily needs. Meditation also can help us stay calm and relieve stress. Take 10 minutes each day for meditation. Do not let our business make us forget about our own bodies.

Balance it with Self Rewards

Maybe you have heard often about self-reward etc. Don’t push yourself too hard! If we get too caught up in stress, it can cause stress! Balance with self-reward to yourself. Self-reward doesn’t have to be expensive. You can watch your favorite series of shows, read a book, exercise, or order your favorite sweets!

In the various decisions that exist, there will be consequences. So let’s stay productive!

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