What Do DORÉ Cookies Tell About You?

Cookies are tiny treats that add sweetness to every moment of your day. Whether you are busy working, enjoying cherished moments with your loved ones, or exploring new places, cookies serve as delightful companions that lift your mood! With a variety of cookie flavours available at DORÉ by LeTAO, let’s discover what your favourite DORÉ cookies reveal about you!

  1. Le Choco Noir
    Made with dark chocolate, Le Choco Noir boasts a harmonious sweetness and a unique chocolate aroma. If you are fond of this cookie, chances are you are a person who appreciates sophistication in every aspect of your life, embraces new experiences, and has a creative side living inside you.
  2. Cheddar & Gouda
    Combining Cheddar & Gouda cheese, this cookie offers both sweet and savoury taste notes. These cheese varieties are often considered comforting and familiar cheeses, making the person who prefers this cookie someone who seeks comfort and warmth in life and enjoys food that harmoniously blends different flavours.

  3. Earl Grey
    Our signature cookies of flavoured teas with citrus bergamot flavour and the fragrance of Earl Grey. Fans of our Earl Grey cookie might be individuals who treasure tradition and heritage, relish moments of tranquillity and peace, as well as enjoy creating a warm atmosphere for any social gathering and celebration!

What is your favourite cookie flavour of ours? Share your thoughts below, DORÉ Fans!

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