The History of Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is celebrated worldwide to honour #ThePurestLove from a Mother. International Mother’s Day occurs on the second Sunday of May every year, typically celebrated by gifting flowers, presents, cakes, and cards. In this article, let’s look back at Mother’s Day’s history!

Begins with Anna Jarvis’ Idea
The story starts with Anna Jarvis, a social activist who suggested a celebration to honour Mothers for their sacrifices for their children. She was inspired by her Mother, Ann Reeves Jarvis, who established “Mother’s Day Work Clubs” in the 1850s that taught women about sanitation and child care.

The First Official Mother’s Day Celebration
Thanks to her persistent efforts, Anna Jarvis received financial support from John Wanamaker in 1908. She then organized the first official Mother’s Day celebration at a Methodist church in Grafton, West Virginia.

Mother’s Day Becomes Annual Holiday
In May 1914, President Woodrow Wilson declared that Mothers should be honoured through Mother’s Day celebrations. He designated the second Sunday in May as International Mother’s Day, making it a national holiday in the United States. Since then, Mother’s Day has become commercialized, with flowers, gifts, and greeting cards being sold specifically for this occasion.

Attempt to Abolish the Holiday
After Mother’s Day became commercialized and capitalized for profit, Anna Jarvis lobbied the government to revoke Mother’s Day status as a national holiday. Despite her efforts, she passed away in 1948 without succeeding in her mission to remove it from the United States’ annual holiday.

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