Monthly Archives: November 2021

Hari Natal: Thankful, Grateful, and Blessed

Foret Blanc

Musim liburan sebentar lagi tiba! Bukan hanya liburan yang biasa tetapi ini merupakan hari yang sangat disenangi oleh semua orang. Hari natal, liburan sekolah, dan hari Tahun Baru berkumpul. Sebelum menyambut tahun yang baru, mari kita tutup tahun ini dengan rasa yang indah, yaitu rasa terima kasih, bersyukur, dan diberkati (thankful, grateful, and blessed). Inilah […]

Thankful, Grateful, and Blessed Holiday Seasons

Foret Blanc

Holiday Seasons is coming near day by day! Can you feel the excitement of this Holiday Season? A season full of happiness and love at the same time too. It’s been a perfect time to end the year with something beautiful, which is a Thankful, Grateful, and Blessed feeling. Here’s an explanation of why we […]

November, Bulan Penuh Syukur: Thanksgiving Day!

Thanksgiving Day!

Setelah bulan Oktober yang terkenal dengan Halloween! Kita mulai memasuki bulan yang penuh dengan rasa syukur, yaitu November. Tahukah kalian bahwa bulan November bukan saja bulan yang lewat begitu saja? Tetapi bulan ini memiliki hari penting juga sebelum bulan Natal! Apakah kalian tahu hari apa itu? Thanksgiving Day!  Ya! Hari Pengucapan Syukur atau lebih dikenal […]

November, Is It Too Early for Christmas?

EarlyFor Cristmas

Spooky season is over now! Usually, people just straight get ready for Christmas. Feels like December already. But it’s still November! So an important question, is it too early for Christmas preparation or spirit? November seems forgotten! Let’s dig in more, shall we? November, A Month to Remember November is a beautiful month in my […]

Le Crunch: Japanese Cookie Style!

Le Crunch

Have you ever tried Japanese Cookie Style? It’s not a regular cookie! This is a special cookie called Maalu and we are inspired by our Japan brand, LeTAO! Right now, we are making our version and available just for you! Do you know what is Maalu or Le Crunch? Let’s get to know it more! LeTAO’s Premier […]
