Category Archives: Information

Which Types of Chocolate Are You?

Chocolat Fromage Cheesecake

Chocolate all over places and our minds. There are some types of chocolate that will be our good to go or will always be our favorite one. Every type of chocolate have their own unique flavor and for me, they even have their own character! Sometimes your favorite types of chocolate say something about your […]

Kue Cucur : Si Kecil Manis


Kecil menggemaskan dan manis, kue cucur sudah menjadi salah satu jajanan yang wajib buat kita semua coba! Warna khas kecokelatannya dengan tekstur yang lembut di tengah namun renyah dipinggirannya menjadi salah satu kue jajanan yang sampai sekarang saya suka. Rasanya juga tidak terlalu manis dan teksturnya sangat pas antara renyah dan lembutnya menjadi salah satu […]

Martabak Manis Si Makanan Penutup Indonesia


Makanan penutup khas Indonesia ini pastinya sudah banyak yang tahu, Martabak Manis! Si manis yang bervariatif ini sangat dikenal bahkan sempat ada terjadi perebutan “hak milik” antara Malaysia dan Indonesia. Martabak manis memiliki nama asli yaitu Hok Lo Pan yang berasal dari Bangka Belitung. Martabak ini diciptakan oleh orang Hakka (Khek) dengan sebutan suku Hoklo. […]

Is Chocolate and Cheese Just an Indonesian Thing?

chocolate and cheese

The pairing of chocolate and cheese is quite unlikely for other countries, yet so popular across many Indonesia’s favorite desserts. Whether it’s martabak, bread, cookies, baked goods, and many more. But apparently, it’s not so much of a popular pairing outside Indonesia. Stephanie Dish, one of Indonesia’s famous TikTok celebrities posted a TikTok video that […]

Is Panna Cotta A Pudding?

Panna Cotta

You know that jiggly pudding-shaped dessert, usually served on a plate or in a jar? The texture does not really make it a pudding nor a custard. This creates a big confusion between pudding, custard, panna cotta, and sometimes mousse. Let’s find out! Pudding is quite the complicated dessert. According to the british definition, a […]

5 Meaningful Simple Gift Ideas For the Loved Ones

Gift Ideas

Giving gifts has been a tradition for us when there is an important date, celebration, or simply just because we love them. In fact, giving gifts has been one type of love language. For some people, receiving a gift or giving gifts is their way to show or recognize love. Gifts don’t mean an expensive […]

Behind the Timeless Black Forest Cake

Black Forest Cake

We all know this cake. Just by one look, and we can imagine the layers of chocolate-y indulgence in every bite. This is the world infamous Black Forest Cake that comes from Germany.   The Traditional Black Forest Cake We can see many variations of this cake now. But the traditional version has multiple layers […]

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